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Safety & Health Expo rescheduled to May 2021 at ExCeL London


josue isai ramos figueroa qvBYnMuNJ9A unsplashSafety & Health Expo and its co-located events, initially set to be staged on 8-10 September 2020, will now be held at ExCeL London on 18–20 May 2021

This decision was taken as a result of consultation with exhibitors and other stakeholders and comes as a result of the continue disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, in particularly social distancing regulations and restrictions to international travel.

Chris Edwards, group director, Informa Markets, said, “We’ve always been mindful of the potential impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on events like ours. We’ve been working closely with our partners to provide not just a safe and secure event environment, but also a platform for our exhibitors and visitors to network, do business and secure a return on investment.”

This rescheduling covers the following events:

-IFSEC International

-FIREX International

-Safety & Health Expo

-Facilities Show

-Intelligent Building Europe

-Workplace Wellbeing Show

-Counter Terror Expo, Ambition, Forensics Expo Europe, and World Counter Terror -Congress (organised by Clarion)

“We’re confident the new date will give the market time to recover, and ensure we can offer an event that meets the high standards our customers expect. We hope the rescheduled event will be a chance for the industry to come together after a challenging period,” the director added.

Over the coming months, Safety & Health Expo will offer alternative solutions to keep the health and safety profession connected. In May, the organisers welcomed thousands of colleagues to Digital Week, a series of webinars led by experts and thought leaders, and they will continue to offer new platforms and initiatives to keep health and safety professionals connected.

“It remains a time of uncertainty, so our events team will be contacting exhibitors and partners to answer questions and provide some clarity regarding the rescheduled dates and ensure we can deliver the same event experience we have planned. I want to thank our exhibitors and partners for their understanding during this time,” Edwards concluded.