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Emirates Steel celebrates World Steel Safety Day with health and safety commitment


4468836009 f8e7ede79b zEmirates Steel, an integrated steel plant in the UAE and a subsidiary of the General Holding Corporation (SENAAT), reaffirmed its commitment to develop and implement best practices in health and safety during the World Steel Safety Day on 28 April

The company will welcome local and international organisations to exhibit their innovative health and safety solutions and foster dialogue with employees on how to maintain the highest international workplace safety standards across Emirates Steel’s facilities.

The celebration of the World Steel Safety Day comes about a year after the implementation of the Aman Safety Excellence Programme by Emirates Steel, developed in partnership with Dupont Sustainable Solutions, a security and process safety management.

The programme aims to mitigate vital risks in day-to-day operations, raise the level of discipline in executing tasks at the shop floor level and build a strong and consistent safety culture.

Saeed Ghumran Al Remeithi, CEO of Emirates Steel Company, said, “The safety of our operations and the wellbeing of our employees are a core value at Emirates Steel and nothing is more important to us than having every member of our company return home safely to their families every single day. We have implemented numerous initiatives over our twenty-year history to ensure that our plant is a safe and secure place to work, and that feedback from our employees is incorporated into all of our policies and procedures.”

“Our activities this week seek to complement the already extensive training offered to those working across our company. We are also delighted to have the opportunity to share best practices with other organisations from a wide range of industries and fields. Enhancing health and safety is an endless but crucial journey, and we are proud to be at the forefront of the industry when it comes to ensuring our employee's wellbeing,” he added.

Over the course of the week, companies including Emirates Logistics, NAFCO, Abu Dhabi Police and DuPont will be exhibiting at Emirates Steel’s headquarters.