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Alba participates in American Society of Safety Professionals Conference & Exhibition


190130 1 medAluminium Bahrain B.S.C. (Alba), aluminium producers in the Middle East, known for its safety and health standards, was a sponsor and key participant in the 13th Professional Development Conference and Exhibition

The event was organised by the American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP)–Middle East Chapter and held from 27-31 January 2019, at the Gulf Hotel.

Inaugurated by the minister of Interior Lieutenant-General Shaikh Rashid bin Abdulla Al Khalifa, the event was attended by Shaikh Mohamed bin Khalifa Al Khalifa, minister of Oil, and guests from the GCC with the participation of around 350 safety professionals worldwide.

Alba’s Deputy Chief Executive Officer (DCEO) Ali Al Baqali, SHE Director Mohammed Khalil Saeed and acting Public Relations Manager Abdulla Seyadee represented Alba during the event wherein the DCEO received a token of appreciation on Alba’s behalf.

Alba’s DCEO Ali Al Baqali said, “Safety and Alba’s productivity are mutually inclusive. As an employer, we must take extreme ownership of our safety practices to maintain a safe and healthy workplace for our employees. Safety is a big productivity driver; if your people feel safe, they are going to be more productive.”

The conference will highlight a number of key topics related to safety and health, including safety leadership, the impact of safety on business processes and continuity as well as dealing with challenges in compliance and legislation.

This event will bring together health, safety and environment professionals (HSE) and leaders from the regional academic institutions, oil and gas companies, and government organisations to share experience, perspectives, insights and the latest, innovative ideas to meet current HSE challenges.