
Vismo announces the launch of the Vismo Monitor App


Vismo has launched Vismo Monitor, an app to help organisations easily monitor alerts about threatening, or potentially threatening events, from their travelling or lone working employees

The app enables those with access to the Vismo Secure Portal, such as security teams or managers, to receive alerts directly and securely to their mobile devices.

Employees can raise alerts using the Vismo Locate & Protect App. Its Red Alert feature can be activated if an employee finds themself in a high-risk situation. The alert will then notify security teams or managers through an In-App message on the Vismo Monitor App. All important details are displayed, including the individual’s last known location on the map, the time and date the alert was activated, their phone number and email address and immediate access to an audio recording from when the alert was activated. The administrator, security team or manager, can press the number to directly call the individual from the app.

The app ensures employers have all necessary information to hand so they can act quickly when a staff member finds themself in a critical situation. It provides organisations with an immediate and intuitive tool to ensure they can closely monitor and respond to alerts. 

Craig Swallow CEO VismoCraig Swallow, Vismo CEO, stated, “Developed by Vismo, the new Monitor App enables employee alerts to be closely monitored, ultimately ensuring support is sent to those who need it. Our customers were telling us that alert administrators such as their security team, needed more immediacy of alert notification. Vismo is dedicated to listening to client feedback and continually implementing new features into its products and services.  Vismo Monitor is a great example of that.”

Vismo helps organisations better protect their employees in many different industries, from those travelling globally to those who have staff who work alone in the community.