
UAE environment ministry attends bio-threat conference


The UAE government has revealed its recent participation in an event aimed at reducing biological threats

A delegation from the Emirati Ministry of Environment and Water attended the Global Conference on Biological Threat Reduction in Paris, France earlier this month, with the aim of strengthening the country’s National Strategy for Bio-security, according to Ahmed Al Hashmi, director of the ministry’s biodiversity department.

The strategy was a multi-faceted blueprint, involving the development and revision of legislation, the improvement of biohazard detection capabilities, and the creation of plans to reduce risk and prevent transmission, Al Hashmi said.

The event itself, a three-day seminar organised by the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) in cooperation with the World Health Organization (WHO), sought to strengthen links between the health and security sectors through the involvement of key partners in public health, animal health and the security sector.

Key topics discussed included ‘International Initiatives and Frameworks to Reduce Threats and Infectious Disease Disaster,’ ‘Sustainable Strengthening of Health Systems,’ and ‘Ensuring the World Remains Free from Eradicated Diseases.’