
TRA nominated to represent Arab Region within ITU-T Study Group 17


During the Regional Cybersecurity Week, TRA was nominated to represent the Arab Region within the ITU-T Study Group 17

The event was mainly attended by delegates and representatives from member states, sector members and associates to the Study Group 17 in the region.

The Telecommunication Regulatory Authority (TRA) represented by its Cyber Security Directorate took part in the Regional Cybersecurity Week 2018 for the Arab Region.

It was organised by the Communication and Information Technology Regulatory Authority of Kuwait (CITRA) from 21-25 October in Kuwait in cooperation with the International Telecommunications Union (ITU)’s Arab Regional Office and the Arab Regional Cybersecurity Centre (ARCC).

TRA also participated in the 7th Regional Cybersecurity Summit that aims to address the best preventive strategies to counteract cyber threats and the 6th Regional Cyber Drill that aims to enhance communication and capacity building and boost emergency readiness and response to cyber threats and/or attacks.

ITU-T Study Group 17 coordinates security-related work across all ITU-T Study Groups. Often working in cooperation with other standards development organisations and various ICT industry consortia, SG17 deals with a broad range of standardisation issues.

TRA’s Director of Technical and Operations Mohamed Alnoaimi said, “The need and significance of Cybersecurity have become extremely essential and critical worldwide. TRA’s participation in such cybersecurity-related events promotes the kingdom of Bahrain’s collaborative works towards global ICT security standards which conforms to the best practices of developing countries in the implementation of security standards.”

“We were able to exchange information, ideas, solutions, and emerging practices that could improve cybersecurity posture, identify current priority areas in cybersecurity in Bahrain, explore and highlight new opportunities and controls within the security sector that enhance information security field,” Alnoaimi added.