
Oman Data Park partners with Cisco for managed security services


Oman Data Park (ODP) has deployed Cisco Advanced Malware Protection (AMP) as part of its ODP Managed Security Services for endpoint protection

ODP is the first managed service provider in Oman, offering managed cloud services, public cloud, co-location and managed security services to both large and small organisations in Oman.

In February 2018, ODP launched their third data centre in Oman at Duqm. ODP Duqm Data Centre complements the other two active data centres including Knowledge Oasis Muscat and Wattayah.

At the Duqm Data Centre, Oman Data Park partnered with Cisco to provide managed security services.

“Based on the early success of Knowledge Oasis Muscat and Wattayah Data Centers, we were confident that Cisco would give us the same benefits with our third data centre. Using Cisco Data Centre networking, compute, collaboration, security and many other solutions, we are able to control our total cost of ownership, avoid complexity while building resiliency, and significantly differentiate our services,” said Maqbool Al Wahaibi, CEO at ODP.

“Cisco is looking forward to working with ODP and provide multiple new solutions, including application and business performance, cloud-managed infrastructure and software-defined networking (SDN) platforms, with a scalable network performance of 40Gbps,” said Ali AL-Lawati, general manager at Cisco Oman.

Maitham AL-Lawati, general manager for risk and compliance at ODP, added, “With Cisco AMP, we will be able to offer our customers a Next-Generation Endpoint Security Solution that prevents, detects and responds to Advanced Threats.”

“Cisco AMP takes a cloud-based approach to threat intelligence and file analysis and is a key differentiator for our ODP Managed Security Service. Cisco AMP continuously monitors, analyzes, and records all activity to uncover malicious behaviour. That way, it helps to drastically reduce investigation and remediation time, and it automatically shares that intelligence with all devices the threat has touched across the network,” AL-Lawati added.