
Frost & Sullivan recognises Penta Security for IoT-based smart security solutions


Frost & Sullivan, a consulting firm, has recognised Penta Security with the 2020 Smart Security Solutions Year Award for its innovative IoT-based smart security solutions

With more than 23 years of experience in authentication, encryption, network security, and security services, Penta Security has been successfully securing connected environments as the first end-to-end IoT-based smart security technology provider on the market.

Penta Security’s unique spectrum of smart security solutions is based on its core technologies, including smart cars, energy, factory, and home security solutions.

As each environment requires a comprehensive platform that includes not only data integrity and privacy protection but also extensible and diverse systems, Penta Security has adopted a holistic approach to security solutions by extending its offerings to intelligent transport systems, data, devices, and infrastructure management systems.

Seokwoo Lee, CEO and founder of Penta Security, said, “One of our main competitive advantages is our ability to customise to deliver the highest level of reliability and protection to our customers’ IoT environments while decreasing the vulnerability and risks associated with the new shift.

“The rapid development of the IoT environment is accelerating the number of security threats at an unprecedented rate. Our line of IoT solutions describes our idea used incorporating the ‘Secure First, Then Connect’ concept that defines the importance of implementing security by design. We expect to expand our security offerings and become a cornerstone of the IoT security market.”