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CSD launches ‘Cyber Safety Ambassadors’ initiative for youth


The Child Safety Department (CSD), a subsidiary of Sharjah’s Supreme Family Affairs Council, has launched the ‘Cyber Safety Ambassadors’ initiative

The aim is to provide Sharjah children and youth with the necessary skills and training to deliver internet security awareness workshops to their peers and colleagues.

The initiative was launched in collaboration with a number of federal and local entities, including the UAE Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA), Ministry of Community Development (MOCD), Khalifa Empowerment Programme – Aqdar, and Sharjah Police Headquarters.

The initiative aims to educate and train the UAE’s youth about cyber safety best practices and develop their communication and presentation skills, through an intensive training programme that follows a self-learning and instructor-led approach, enabling them to deliver these messages to their peers.

Hanadi Saleh Al Yafei, director of CSD, said, “This initiative is part of our commitment to raise children’s and youth’s awareness on the principles of cyber security. The training will use new interactive methods to enhance their role and responsibility towards themselves and society. We believe that children and young people are not only passive recipients and learners, but also partners in sharing our message and educating their peers”.

“The initiative promotes Sharjah’s stature as a child-friendly city and its launch coincides with Emirati Children’s Day, which reaffirms our commitment to ensuring that all children in the UAE enjoy a safe and stable life, and that their rights are protected, in line with the UAE’s and Sharjah’s visions,” he added.

Iman Harib Al Falahi from MOCD, commented, “Our cooperation with the Child Safety Department in Sharjah is in line with the Ministry of Community Development’s vision of maintaining a cohesive community that plays a role in social development. Child rights in the UAE are a priority in the Ministry’s efforts. For societies to grow and develop, they must provide safety and stability for its children and rising generations.”

Al Falahi further added that the ‘Cyber Safety Ambassadors’ initiative constitutes an advanced step in raising awareness about the dangers of the indiscriminate use of cyberspace, noting the initiative important role in engaging children and adolescents in the development process.