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Driving the EHS agenda forward


Speaking on the measures that ENOC Group has introduced to promote best practice, Dr Ghanem says, “We have embedded many tools, and developed our own standards, guidelines and approved codes of practice, based on best practice, working with peer organisations. In terms of our contribution to the best practice community we have run specialist conferences and best practice workshops focusing on particular areas, for example heat stress, emergency response and planning, permit to work systems.

“We share learning and experiences on systems with different companies from allied industries through presentations. We brought in a consultant to help us develop our own EHS leadership programme, and run best practice workshops for leadership. The ENOC leadership guidebook has been developed, through several months of consultation with the leadership team.

“We have created separate departments for sustainability, security and risk management, and business excellence and quality, and have created a technical committee on operational business excellence, exploring different business excellence models,” he continues.  The next step which the Group is working towards is the creation of an integrated business and operational excellence model for the whole group, which will encompass EHS as well as sustainability, security and risk management.

Dr Waddah S. Ghanem will be speaking at the 2nd Annual Health, Safety & Security Forum on 23 October in Dubai. You can see the full interview on p15 in the latest issue of Health, Safety & Security Review Middle East,