
Sanitizexperts introduces UAE’s first COVID-fighting robot


Sanitizexperts, Dubai-based professionals in home, office and industrial air sanitisation, has introduced the Automated UVC Robot

The robot is the latest intelligence in the UAE in the fight against COVID-19. The company said the robot uses ultraviolet to provide a 360° disinfection of public space air.

The International Ultraviolet Association (IUVA) has proven that UV disinfection technologies are a multi-barrier approach to reducing the transmission of the COVID-19 virus, thanks to extensive testing in the long and hard fight against COVID-19.

The ultraviolet and sterilisation robot uses smart pulse disinfection and AI nature navigation technology to automatically plan its path and judge the time required for disinfection within the environment. Its radar vision and ultrasonic avoidance of obstacles allows it to move around the space freely without colliding.

UV-C lamps from the robot, that can work up to 8000 hours, can effectively disinfect and kill bacteria. The robot’s infrared system can recognise when a human is within reach and automatically shuts the lamp down.

The firm added that the 800 sq m around the robot will be sanitised within a 150 minutes, which is about 10 times the efficiency of manual and fixed disinfection.

The robot works through WiFi and can be managed either on a PC or through an app. The software will help map the area that needs to be sanitise and even have multiple automated UVC robot working simultaneously. When the battery level energy is low, the robot will automatically go return to its station and charge.

Omar Chappuis, CEO of Sanitizexperts, said, “The Automated UVC Robot is an exciting development against COVID-19, which we’re very excited to introduce to the UAE. Whether in a hospital, airport, mall, home or the office, the robot will ensure that bacteria are eliminated, allowing for clean, safe living.”