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Security guns army Oleg Zabielin ShutterstockThe seventh edition of International Exhibition for National Security and Resilience (ISNR) 2016 will focus on discussions about homeland security and national resilience, in the form of a three-day event at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre

Intersec2016Leading trade fair for security, safety and fire protection, Intersec 2016, attracted 31,939 visitors, registering a 17 per cent growth, from 17-19 February

Agility Grid Intersec 2015Agility Grid will demonstrate 1200 HD cameras streaming to a single storage controller at Intersec 2016 taking place between 17-19 January at Dubai World Trade Centre

Intersec smart home technologyThe rising interconnectivity of smart home technology and its effect on safety and security will be discussed at this years Intersec show, being held between 17-19 January 2016 in Dubai

HSE workshopHealth and safety practices in the Middle East are changing

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